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Shaw Lab at UNL Chemistry

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Cutting-edge bioanalytical technologies and methods to enable and inform chemical and structural biology approaches


July 2024

Our work in collaboration with the Wysocki Lab was published in ACS Central Science!


"Protein Complex Heterogeneity and Topology Revealed by Electron Capture Charge Reduction and Surface Induced Dissociation​"

July 2024

Thermo Fisher Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer and Vanquish Neo UHPLC installed in the Shaw Lab!

June 2024

ASMS Conference in Anaheim, CA

Sachin presented very nice results for native MS characterization of E. coli ribosomes!

May 2024

ACS New Jersey Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group

Dr. Shaw presented new approaches to top-down and native MS characterization of proteins and protein complexes.

December 2023

Q Exactive UHMR and Exploris 240 Installed

Our Orbitrap mass spectrometers were install! Many thanks to our Thermo Fisher Scientific Engineer, Scott Ellenbogen.

October 2023

SciX 2023 Conference in Reno, NV

Dr. Shaw presented on gas phase charge reduction and surface induced dissociation for the characterization of heterogeneous proteins and protein complexes

September 2023

Mashiyat and Sachin are the first students to join the Shaw Lab!

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Instrument Lab
Hamilton Hall
Wet Chemistry Lab
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